Monday, August 18, 2008

UX Week 2008 Rocked!

a sticky note love seat featured at UX Week 2008

Last week I spent some time at the Adaptive Path UX Week Conference in San Francisco. I learned SO much while I was there and met a lot of great Experience Design folks. Some of the highlights:
  • Don Norman who kicked off the week and talked about UX in general.

  • Jensen Harris who talked about designing the MS Office interface(s) (The Ribbon).
  • The Neo-futurists from Chicago.
  • TCHO - a new chocolate company in San Francisco who let us beta test their chocolate.
  • This was the second Adaptive Path conference I've attended. I must say, these people know how to put on a conference. They really understand that we're attending a user experience conference so they pay attention to details.

    Location: UX Week 2008 was at the Palace Hotel. A beautiful spot. A wonderful user experience. Beautiful surroundings. Good food. Wonderful service. Attention to detail.

    Events/Program: Not your usual conference stuff. UX Week offered several great hands-on workshops as well as some fun and pertinent entertainment (a performance by the Neo-futurists). One of the workshops I attended was called "How to Be A Sticky Note Ninja". (More on that in another blog post).

    Adaptive Path employees. Approachable (they don't walk around like arrogant designers with a capital "D" on their chests). Friendly. Helpful. Interesting.

    My rating of the conference: Thumbs up!

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    Saturday, August 9, 2008

    feeling prolific

    wow! i haven't updated this blog in awhile. i've been working so hard i haven't had time to think about writing about design. just to be clear, i've been thinking about design -- just haven't been writing about it.

    i've been thinking and acting quickly. it's actually been kind of fun. no time to second-guess my design decisions. design and move on to the next feature or project.

    maybe it's a good thing -- to not over-think the user experience... but then again, i don't want to overlook something important. so before i actually move a design forward i take a second look (after i've walked away from the design for a bit). fresh eyes and all that.

    anyway, this design pace has been good. it's working for me. what works for you?

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